We Will Always Love Buddy
We are devastated to share that Buddy passed away on Saturday morning. It was his heart.
Our hearts are broken but we are also very grateful that he chose our family to spend 8 years plus 1 bonus month with!
Buddy was about 9 years old. (As a rescued doggie, it's hard to know his exact age) We will always love our boy and his legacy will continue to inspire others.
We made a promise to him and to you - spreading joy and helping animals. That mission will continue when we are ready.
This photo was taken only 4 weeks ago, on May 4th, by Kara Mergl, one of the brilliant photographers we have met during Buddy's life. She so graciously sent us many beautiful photos from the Tulip Festival.
It was a family day together that we will never forget. And we can all watch the tulip video and smile again and again. Buddy gave all of us that gift.
He gave us so much joy, so much love and so many gifts.
We have several videos that we'll be sharing soon - and one last song he sang in our own backyard garden! We know you'll cry, but we all need to cry and then we need to smile again! (and then probably cry again)
You have all been there cheering him on since the very first video we shared! Your love and generosity through the years has brought us so much joy and meaning. We wish we could give you a hug right now as we are also going to feel your pain and grief as we come to terms with this part of Buddy's journey.
Please feel free to share your favorite memories of Buddy with us. We may not respond to emails or comments right away, but in time these will help us smile and feel love in our hearts.
In lieu of flowers we are asking you to plant a tulip bulb in Buddy's memory.
Every spring enjoy the beauty and think of our sweet boy singing and playing piano in the heavens, across the rainbow bridge.
Tulips have a meaning of deep love. Buddy was a very lovey guy! Tulips also have a spiritual meaning of rebirth.
The best time to plant a tulip bulb is in the Fall and they will bloom each Spring.
We would love to see photos of your tulips next year so please share away, and know how much comfort your small act of kindness will bring to our family.
Buddy's Memorial Garden
We are planning to fix up a little garden area in our backyard - in Buddy's favorite spot! He would roll around in the dirt and find a cool spot to just hang and do dog things. He loved chewing on the sticks he'd find and helping us weed the garden beds!
Coincidentally there is 1 tulip in this area that blooms every year. If you would like us to plant a tulip bulb in his garden, we will be happy to! Buddy's tip cup page is available to use or feel free to mail us a tulip bulb.
Buddy Mercury
PO Box 207
Lake Grove NY 11755
We'll send you a video of the planting and blooming. We hope this garden memorial project will help our family as we grieve.
"Dogs are small rays of light caught on Earth for a short time to brighten our days." - Love Lives On
Thank you for giving us time and space. Love and care. Thoughts and prayers.
Glen, Laurie and Lil Sis
An update from our family, click here:
I am so ❤️ broken, I just saw the news my prayers are with all of you. Please keep sending his videos. R.I.P little man 🎼🎵🎹🎶🐶
I am so ❤️ broken, I just saw the news my prayers are with all of you. Please keep sending his videos. R.I.P little man 🎼🎵🎹🎶🐶
I am heart broken once again, not so long ago I adore a cat named Cala who sings, and now Buddy. Heaven’s gain is our lost. Thank you for sharing Buddy to us.
Am so heartbroken for Buddy and your family . It hurts.
Been thinking about you all and Buddy. It felt good to order you some tulips.
They are from Breck’s with 8 pink or peachy rose-like tulips. And several small miniature tulips in bright pink with blue centers.
Also ordered a Buddy tote bag, a Buddy calendar and stickers to keep his image.
I know he is looking over all of you and you all will see each other again with love!!!
I hope to meet him also and your family , you can meet everyone’s loved animals and family in happiness and love.
Buddy is amazing. My boy beagle mix is 7 or 8 . He has shorter freckley white socks, and his head is all brown, though greying now some with white splotches on chest. He was adopted 2018 and is deaf.
Maybe he will hear Buddy’s songs in the next life!!
Love to you all!!
From Spain I want to send my deepest condolences. Very sorry. May God have welcomed Buddy with love and may he continue singing his songs in heaven and bringing joy to everyone.